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A Brief History: 

In 1972, WTRS radio station was established by the Department of Media Technology


In 1980, WTRS radio station started broadcasting live


In 1992, the name changed to WTLS radio station 


In 1993, WTLS radio station was established in S-Building. It started to gain a wide acceptance with listeners on campus. It was internally broadcasting in on campus as a closed-circuit radio station


In Spring 2008, was the name change WLCC "The Tower"


In 2010, the name changed into Lakeland's Lake Effect Radio Station and became a student organization


In February 13, 2013 we started broadcasting externally by streaming on the internet during the day, besides internally in S-building on the main campus at


In February 26, 2013 we started broadcasting externally by streaming on the internet 24/7, besides internally in S-building on the main campus at


In March 2013, First promotional theme week: Park Recreation week March 18 to March 21, 2013


In March 2013, First live performance by a band: Contacts & Confidence March 26, 2013


76 interviews during Fall 2012 and Spring 2013


In Spring 2013, we started playing a variety of local music spots an hour / local music promotion spots an hour


In the beginning of Fall 2013, we established phone for request / interviews / call ins, text for request, call ins and skype

In Fall 2013, First event broadcast live outside the station over the internet with video September 17, 2013


In Fall 2013, First telephone interview October. 23, 2013. With the Spokes of Green 


In Fall 2013, First long distance telephone interview November. 11,2013. With the


In late March 2014, was our first Bands and Artists. With live interviews and performances. We had a total of 27 singer-songwriters and bands


For the year of Fall 2013 to Spring 2014 we had over 200 interviews


In late Fall 2014, Lake Effect Radio hosted its first live broadcast of Lakeland sports at


In mid-April 2015, we had 50 Bands and Artists in a week for live interviews and performances leading to the concert


In mid-April 2015, we had over 1,400 viewers in one week of bands and artists week. Over 3,958 visits on the like page during the week


In mid-April 2015, we established and held the first band concert that has been done in 23 years


In mid-April 2015, we had our first ever banjo in the studio performance Window Dogs

In mid-November 2015, we had over 2,400 viewers in one week of bands and artists week. Over 3,580 visits on the like page during the week


In late November 2016, we established an app on the Google Play market


In late April 2017, we had 53 Bands and Singer-Songwriters in a month for live interviews and performances 


Ending of Spring semester in May 2017, we had a total of 9,784 views of online for Fall and Spring semesters


In late April 2018, we had 50 Bands and Singer-Songwriters in a month for live interviews and performances 


Ending of Spring semester in May 2018, For Fall and Spring semesters we had a total of 310 advertisements on campus, 6 sponsors, 24 sports games, 4 fairs and 84 interviews, 5 fundraisers, 16 on-campus events, 5 acoustic events, 6 service projects, 155 interviews and 5 theme weeks on air


Ending of Spring semester in May 2018, we had a total of 17,174 views of online for Fall and Spring semesters

In July 2018, we started broadcasting externally streaming only on under Live Studio and Live Sports



Today, Lake Effect Radio continues to expand its horizons. We now offer an app on the Google Play Store (Lake Effect Radio Station), website (, variety of new interviews, a variety of show formats, and more between the hours of 8 AM-6 PM with students Monday thru Friday. It is live 24/7 at

Lake Effect Radio offers the exclusive world, local news, college events, sports and events, community affairs, programming along with an incredibly diverse music.


Future plans include community-based initiatives to provide you, our listeners, with new information and services.

Just stay tuned to hear more from us!


Station names and logos:

© 2024 by Lakeland's Lake Effect Radio Station

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