Join Us

Background info:
We hope you will listen or be a part of the greatest
college radio station in the land
Lake Effect Radio is a student-run radio station at
Lakeland Community College. Our DJs plan,
produce, advertise, and host their own music and
talk show(s). The content of the show is entirely up
to the student. We announce campus events and programs
sponsored by the clubs and departments at
Lake Effect Radio’s goal is to entertain the students
on campus and the world. We encourage our DJs to
think big and ask them to seek interviews, in-studio
guests, and musicians. We also encourage members
to be involved in station activities and events.
Join Us:
Getting involved in Lake Effect Radio is easy. There is no cost involved and no experience needed.
Lakeland's closed-circuit radio and internet streaming station is in S-building. Lake Effect gives students first-hand experience in broadcasting, communications, events, marketing, networking, and is a fun experience. Applications are accepted each semester for DJ's and hosts. Students have the possibly of being voted into Public Relations Director, Production Director, Programming Director and other officer positions.
We broadcast live 24/7 at lakeeffectradio.org, our app, 12 audio streaming services and into Breaker's in S-building. We interview student organizations, entertainment veterans, local artists, local bands, companies, organizations, and businesses throughout the semester.
If there is something you would like to hear, use our stream chat room or our station request line: (440) 940-6615 by call or text. You can also join our discord server discord.gg/2KhQcVh to stay updated
Are you interested in music, concerts, talk shows or hosting your own radio show or podcast? We are looking for more students and community members for our organization. You don’t have to have any experience in radio to join! Lake Effect Radio is a diverse
organization that covers music, sports, politics, and more.
Please stop by Lake Effect Radio office in S-219 for more information and pick up an application outside of the door.
You can visit us online at lakeeffectradio.org/joinus
DJ application:
Email a completed application to radiolakeeffect@yahoo.com or drop it off at the station in S-building / S-215